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Refereed Journal Articles
(* indicates when Giacomo Assandri is the corresponding author; ^ indicates shared first or last name)

P46) Berlusconi, A., Scridel, D., Eberle, L., Martinoli, Alessio, Bazzi, G., Assandri, G., Grattini, N., Preatoni, D., Cecere, J.G., Martinoli, Adriano, Rubolini, D., Morganti, M., 2024. Ecological and social factors affecting the occurrence of kleptoparasitism in two recently established sympatric breeding falcons. Behavioural Ecology Sociobioliology, 78, 14.

P45) Bazzi, G., Galimberti, A., Foglini, C., Bani, L., Bazzi, L., Bonvicini, P., Brembilla, R., Brigo, M., Cavenaghi, A., Colombo, G., Della Pietà, C., Galliani, C., Guarnaroli, E., Larroux, N., Monti, A., Orioli, V., Ornaghi, F., Pilon, N., Pirotta, G., Radaelli, G., Tessa, G. & Assandri, G. 2023. Odonate diversity of a highly urbanised region: An annotated checklist of the damselflies and dragonflies (Insecta, Odonata) of Lario and Brianza (Lombardy, N Italy). Biodiversity Data Journal, 11, e111358.
P44) Andreotti, A., Aradis, A., Assandri, G., Bazzi, G., Cecere, J.G., Ferri, A., Imperio, S., Marcon, A., Nardelli, R., Pirrello, S., Raganella Pelliccioni, E., Spina, F., Serra, L., 2023. The need for a flyway approach in defining the onset of prenuptial migration of huntable bird species across Europe. Ibis.
P43) Corregidor‐Castro, A., Morinay, J., McKinlay, S.E., Ramellini, S., Assandri, G., Bazzi, G., Glavaschi, A., De Capua, E.L., Grapputo, A., Romano, A., Morganti, M., Cecere, J.G., Pilastro, A., Rubolini, D., 2023. Experimental nest cooling reveals dramatic effects of heatwaves on reproduction in a Mediterranean bird of prey. Global Change Biology, 1–16.
P42) Morinay, J., Riotte‐Lambert, L., Aarts, G., De Pascalis, F., Imperio, S., Morganti, M., Catoni, C., Assandri, G., Ramellini, S., Rubolini, D., & Cecere, J. G. (2023). Within‐colony segregation of foraging areas: from patterns to processes. Oikos: e09926.
P41) Dijkstra, K. B. ^, Assandri, G. ^, & Galimberti, A. (2023). Morphological and molecular evidence supports the species status of the Italian endemic Coenagrion castellani Roberts, 1948 (Coenagrionidae). International Journal of Odonatology, 26, 44–53.
P40) Assandri, G*., Bazzi, G., Siddi, L., Nardelli, R., Cecere, J. G., Rubolini, D., & Morganti, M. (2023). The occurrence of a flagship raptor species in intensive agroecosystems is associated with more diverse farmland bird communities: Opportunities for market-based conservation. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 349, 108441.

P39) La Porta, G., Landi, F., Leandri, F., Assandri, G. (2023). The new Checklist of the Italian Fauna: Odonata. Biogeographia – The Journal of Integrative Biogeography, 38(1).
P38) Romano A., Morganti M., Assandri G., Bazzi G., Corregidor-Castro A., Morinay J., Cecere J.G., Pilastro A., Rubolini D., 2022. Sibling competition for food and kin selection in nestlings of a colonial raptor. Animal Behaviour 194: 233–238. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2022.10.002

37) Cioccarelli, G., Terras, A., Assandri, G., Berlusconi, A., Grattini, N., Mercogliano, A., Pazhera, A., Sbrilli, A., Cecere, J.G., Rubolini, D., Morganti, M. (2022) Vegetation height and structure drive foraging habitat selection of the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) in intensive agricultural landscapes. PeerJ 10, e13979. doi: 10.7717/peerj.13979

36) Assandri, G.* (2022) Editorial - Do ornithologists still play a role in reversing the crisis of farmland biodiversity? Avocetta 46, 3–5.
35) Assandri, G.*, Bazzi, G., Festi, A. & Leandri, F. (2022) Distribution, ecology and conservation of Aeshna caerulea (Ström, 1793) and Aeshna subarctica elisabethae Djakonov, 1922 (Insecta: Odonata) at the southernmost limits of their range. Aquatic Insects, in press.
34) Assandri, G.*, & Bazzi, G. (2022) Natural and anthropogenic determinants of peatland dragonfly assemblages: Implications for management and conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation, 31: 703-722.
33) Assandri, G.*, Cecere, J.G., Sarà, M., Catoni, C., De Pascalis, F., Morinay, J., Berlusconi, A., Cioccarelli, S., Mercogliano, A., Pazhera, A., Terras, A., Imperio, S., Morganti, M., Rubolini, D. (2022) Context-dependent foraging habitat selection in a farmland raptor along an agricultural intensification gradient. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 326, 107782.
32) Berlusconi, A., Preatoni, D., Assandri, G., Bisi, F., Brambilla, M., Cecere, J.G., Cioccarelli, S., Grattini, N., Gustin, M., Martinoli, A., Rubolini, D., Sbrilli, A., Zanichelli, A., Martinoli, A., Morganti, M., 2022. Intra-guild spatial niche overlap among three small falcon species in an area of recent sympatry. European Zoological Journal, 89: 510–526.
31) Deng, J., Assandri, G., Chauhan, P., Futahashi, R., Galimberti, A., Hansson, B., Lancaster, L.T., Takahashi, Y., Svensson, E.I., Duplouy, A. (2021) Wolbachia-driven selective sweep in a range expanding insect species. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 21(1), 181.
30) Barbaro, L.L., Assandri, G., Brambilla, M., Castagneyrol, B., Froidevaux, J., Giffard, B., Pithon, J., Puig‐Montserrat, X., Torre, I., Calatayud, F., Gaüzère, P., Guenser, J., Macià‐Valverde, F.‐X., Mary, S., Raison, L., Sirami, C. and Rusch, A. (2021) Organic management and landscape heterogeneity combine to sustain multifunctional bird communities in European vineyards. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58: 1261-1271.
29) Geiger, M., Koblmüller, S., Assandri, G., Chovanec, A., Ekrem, T., Fischer, I., Galimberti, A., Grabowski, M., Haring, E., Hausmann, A., Hendrich, L., Koch, S., Mamos, T., Rothe, U., Rulik, B., Rewicz, T., Sittenthaler, M., Stur, E., Tonczyk, G., Zangl, L., Moriniere, J., 2021. Coverage and quality of DNA barcode references for Central and Northern European Odonata. PeerJ 9, e11192.
28) Alba R., Assandri G., Boano G., Cravero F., Chamberlain D., (2021). An assessment of the current and historical distribution of the Corncrake Crex crex in the Western Italian Alps. Avocetta, 45: 9-19.
27) Maggioni, D., Assandri, G., Ramazzotti F., Magnani, D., Pellegrino, I., Valsecchi, E., Galimberti, A. (2021) Differential genetic variability at two mtDNA COI regions does not imply mismatches in Odonata molecular identification performances. The European Zoological Journal, 88: 425-435.

26) Galimberti, A., Assandri, G. ^, Maggioni, D., Ramazzotti, F., Baroni, D., Bazzi, G., Chiandetti, I., Corso, A., Ferri, V., Galuppi, M., Ilahiane, L., La Porta, G., Laddaga, L., Landi, F., Mastropasqua, F., Ramellini, S., Santinelli, R., Soldato, G., Surdo, S., Casiraghi, M. (2021) Italian Odonates in the Pandora’s Box: A Comprehensive DNA Barcoding Inventory Shows Taxonomic Warnings at the Holarctic Scale. Molecular Ecology Resources, 21: 183-200.
25) Assandri, G.* (2021) Anthropogenic-driven transformations of dragonfly (Insecta: Odonata) communities of low elevation mountain wetlands during the last century. Insect Conservation & Diversity, 14: 26-39.
24) Assandri, G.*, Bazzi, G., Maggioni, D., Galimberti, A. & Kunz, B. (2020) Distribution, autecology, genetic characterization, and conservation of the Western Mediterranean endemic dragonfly Orthetrum nitidinerve (Selys, 1841): insights from Italy. International Journal of Odonatology, 23: 405-422.
23) Mori, E., Saavedra, S., Menchetti, M., Assandri, G. (2020) Past and present distribution of the Common Myna Acridotheres tristis in Italy: a review. Avocetta, 44, 32–36.
22) Brambilla, M., Scridel, D., Bazzi, G., Ilahiane, L., Iemma, A., Pedrini, P., Bassi, E., Bionda, R., Marchesi, L., Genero, F., Teufelbauer, N., Probst, R., Vrezec, A., Kmecl, P., Mihelič, T., Bogliani, G., Schmid, H., Assandri, G., Pontarini, R., Braunisch, V., Arlettaz, R. & Chamberlain, D. (2020) Species interactions and climate change: how the disruption of species co-occurrence will impact on an avian forest guild. Global Change Biology, 26: 1212-1224.
21) Paiola, A.^, Assandri, G.^, Brambilla, M., Zottini, M., Pedrini, P. & Nascimbene, J. (2020) Exploring the potential of vineyards for biodiversity conservation and delivery of biodiversity-mediated ecosystem services: A global-scale systematic review. Science of the Total Environment, 706: 135839.
20) Assandri G.*, Bogliani G., Pedrini P. & Brambilla M. (2019) Species-specific responses to habitat and livestock management call for carefully targeted conservation strategies for declining meadow birds. Journal for Nature Conservation 52: 125757.

19) Assandri G.*, Bogliani G., Pedrini P., Brambilla M. (2019) Toward the next CAP reform: determinants of avian communities in hay-meadows reveal current policies’ inadequacy for biodiversity conservation in grassland. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56: 604–617.
18) Mori E., Assandri G. (2019) Coming back home: recolonisation of abandoned dens by crested porcupines Hystrix 2 cristata and European badgers Meles meles after wood-cutting and riparian vegetation 3 mowing events. Hystrix -Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 30: 39-43.
17) Assandri, G.*, Franceschini, A., Lencioni, V. (2019) Dragonfly biodiversity 90 years ago in an Alpine region: The Odonata historical collection of the MUSE (Trento, Italy). Biodiversity Data Journal, 7: e32391.
16) Piretta L., Assandri G.* (2019) First record of the migrant dragonfly Pantala flavescens for mainland Italy (Insecta: Odonata). Fragmenta Entomologica, 51: 247–250.
15) Assandri, G.* (2019) A critical review of the odonate fauna of Trentino: annotated check-list and new relevant data for Italy (Insecta: Odonata). Fragmenta Entomologica, 51: 75–88.
14) Assandri G.*, Bogliani G., Pedrini P., Brambilla M. (2018) Beautiful agricultural landscapes promote cultural ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation. Agriculture Ecosystem & Environment, 256: 200-210.
13) Assandri, G.*, Bernardi, A., Schmoliner, A., Bogliani, G., Pedrini, P., Brambilla, M. (2018) A matter of pipes: Wryneck Jynx torquilla habitat selection and breeding performance in an intensive agroecosystem. Journal of Ornithology, 159, 103–114.
12) Assandri G.*, Bogliani G., Pedrini P., Brambilla M. (2017) Insectivorous birds as 'non-traditional' flagship species in vineyards: Applying a neglected conservation paradigm to agricultural systems. Ecological indicators, 80, 275-285.
11) Brambilla M., Caprio E., Assandri G., Scridel D., Bassi E., Bionda R., Celada C., Falco R., Bogliani G., Pedrini P., Rolando A., Chamberlain D. (2017) A spatially explicit definition of conservation priorities according to population resistance and resilience, species importance and level of threat in a changing climate. Diversity and Distributions, 23: 727-738.
10) Brambilla M., Ilahiane L., Assandri G., Ronchi S., Bogliani G. (2017) Combining habitat requirements of endemic bird species and other ecosystem services may synergistically enhance conservation efforts. Science of the Total Environment 586: 206-214.
9) Assandri, G.*, Bogliani, G., Pedrini, P., Brambilla, M. (2017) Land-use and bird occurence at the urban margin in the Italian Alps: implication for planning and conservation. North Western Journal of Zoology 13(1): 77-84.
8) Assandri, G.*^, Morganti, M., Bogliani, G., Pulido, F. (2017) The value of abandoned olive groves for blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) in a Mediterranean agroecosystem: a year-round telemetry study. European Journal of Wildlife Research 63: 26.
7) Assandri, G.*, Bogliani G., Pedrini P., Brambilla M. (2017) Assessing common birds’ ecological requirements to address nature conservation in permanent crops: Lessons from Italian vineyards. Journal of Environmental Management 191: 145–154.
6) Assandri, G.*, Giacomazzo M., Brambilla M., Griggio M., Pedrini P. (2017) Nest density, nest-site selection and breeding success of birds in vineyards: management implication for conservation in a highly intensive farming system. Biological Conservation 205: 23-33.
5) Morganti, M., Assandri, G.^, Aguirre, J.I., Ramirez, A., Caffi M., Pulido, F. (2017) How residents behave: home range flexibility and dominance over migrants in a Mediterranean passerine. Animal Behaviour, 123: 293-304.
4) Assandri, G.*, Bogliani, G., Pedrini, P., Brambilla, M. (2016) Diversity in the monotony? Habitat traits and management practices shape avian communities in intensive vineyards. Agriculture Ecosystem & Environment 223, 250–260.
3) Brambilla, M., Assandri, G., Martino, G., Bogliani, G., Pedrini, P. (2015) The importance of residual habitats and crop management for the conservation of birds breeding in intensive orchards. Ecological Research 30, 597–604.
2) Assandri G., Morganti M. (2015) Is the Spectacled Warbler Sylvia conspicillata Expanding northward because of climate warming? Bird Study 62, 126–131.
1) Assandri, G.* (2013) First breeding attempt of spectacled warbler Sylvia conspicillata in the Italian Alps. Avocetta 37, 63–66.
Refereed book chapters
Smith B.D., Villalobos-Jiménez G., Perron M.A.C., Sahlén G., Assandri G., Vilenica M., Calvão L.B., Juen L., Cerini F., Bried J.T., 2023. Odonata assemblages in human-modified landscapes, in: Córdoba-Aguilar A., Beatty C.D., Bried J.T. (Eds.), Dragonflies and Damselflies. Model Organisms for Ecological and Evolutionary Research. Oxford University Press, Oxford. pp. 247-260. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780192898623.001.0001

Geneletti, D., Esmail, B.A., Scolozzi, R., Assandri, G., Brambilla, M., Pedrini, P., 2020. Modelling biodiversity and ecosystem services trade-offs in agricultural landscapes to support planning and policy-making, in: Mirschel, W., Terleev, V. V., Wenkel, K.-O. (Eds.) Landscape Modelling and Decision Support. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 421–441.

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